Indonesia Sustainable Least-cost Electrification Technical Assistance (ISLE)
The Indonesia Sustainable Least-cost Electrification Technical Assistance (ISLE TA) aims at enabling the development of a sustainable and affordable framework to electrification by reducing the cost of generation, improving grid reliability, and mobilizing private investments. Under ISLE TA, PLN accesses grant financing to prepare the following identified investments by conducting feasibility studies and environmental and social safeguards instruments.
- Six hybridization systems (solar/battery to existing diesel) in smaller grids, namely Alor, Rote, Morotai, Buru, Seram and Tual/Kei Kecil
- Ten medium-size solar PV projects in Flores, Sumbawa, Ternate, and Timor
- Five grid-connected stand-alone battery storage in Flores, Sumbawa, and Timor
- Two transmission lines of 80 km each in Timor and Flores
- Grid upgrades such as capacitor banks, transformers, and SCADA systems in all islands to improve grid reliability and resilience
The following Environmental and Social Documents are available under this project. These documents are in draft stage and will be updated based on technical consultation with relevant stakeholders and please refer to our website for the latest updated document that will be available after the grant agreement is signed.
- Draft Stakeholder Engagement Framework
- Draft Annex Term of Reference Preliminary Environmental and Social Assessment for Feasibility Study
- Draft Environmental and Social Commitment Plan
- Draft Term of Reference Environmental and Social Management Plan, Resettlement Action Plan and Indigenous People Plan
- ISLE Draft Annex TOR Preliminary ES Assessment for FS TOR November
- ISLE Draft Annex TOR Preliminary ES Assessment for FS TOR November – Bahasa Indonesia
- ISLE draft TOR ESMP RAP IPP November
- ISLE draft TOR ESMP RAP IPP November – Bahasa Indonesia
- ISLE SEF November
- ISLE SEF November – Bahasa Indonesia
- ISLE ESCP November
- ISLE ESCP November – Bahasa Indonesia
- ISLE TA Revised Generic ToRs ES Assessment and Instruments
- ISLE TA Updated ESCP October 2024