What is PLN?

PLN is the Indonesia state-owned electric utility company, wholly-owned by the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprise

PLN fully-integrated Indonesian electric utility company
100% owned by the Government of Indonesia

PLN Subsidiary Ownership

PT PLN Indonesia Power
Electricity Generation

PT PLN Nusantara Power
Electricity Generation

PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia
Primary Energy Procurement and Logistics Sector

PT Indonesia Comnets Plus
Fiber optic-based telecommunication networks

PT Pelayanan Listrik Nasional Batam
Electricity, Generation & Distribution

PT Prima Layanan Nasional Enjiniring
Engineering and Construction Services

PT Pelayanan Listrik Nasional Tarakan
Maintenance and Operation

PT Haleyora Power
Power transmission & distribution services

PT Energy Management Indonesia
Renewable energy development

PLN Mandau Cipta Tenaga Nusantara
Power generation steam and distribution

Majapahit Holding B.V.
Financial Institution

Vision and Mission of PLN


To be the Leading Electricity Company in Southeast Asia and # 1 Customer Choice for Energy Solutions


Conducting electricity business and other related fields, oriented to customer satisfaction, company members and shareholders.

Making electricity as a medium to improve the quality of people’s lives.

Keeping electricity as driving economic activity.

Conducting business activities that are environmentally sound.

PLN provides most of the public electricity and electricity infrastructure in Indonesia including power generation, transmission, distribution, construction of power plants and retail sales of electricity

Key Business Segments

Controls over 65.9% of total installed generating capacity of 70,296 MW amounting to approximately 46,317 MW

Owns and operates 1,867 electricity generating plant

Main purchaser of electricity from Independent Power Producers (“IPPs”)

Major provider of power transmission in Indonesia

Controls approximately 68,908 kmc of transmission lines which increased by 1.0% from 68,206 kmc in December 2022

162,957 MVA of transmission transformer capacity which increased by 1.0% from 161,367 MVA in December 2022

Major distributor of electricity to customers in Indonesia

Controls approximately 1,039,682 kmc of distribution lines and 65,972 MVA of distribution transformer capacity

Serves approximately 87.1 million customers

Operation Details