We are aware that our operational activities pose environmental risks such as Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, waste generation, and excessive use of energy and natural resources, thereby risking the balance of ecosystems and environmental carrying capacity. We mitigate environmental risks by implementing high compliance standards in environmental management. Each of our activities has relevance to the implementation of SNI ISO 14001:2015 or ISO 14001:2004 –Environmental Management System (EMS). This policy is in line with PLN’s mission to “Running business that environmentally conscious.” To realize this mission, we continuously ensure that our business operations do not damage the environment, including the implementation of the aspiration of the “Green” Transformation.
We understand that most of our power plants are using raw materials that come from non-renewable sources and it is our responsibility to maintain the sustainability of the availability of non-renewable resources in the future. Therefore, we optimize the use of coal by adjusting the loading operation pattern, optimization of low-calorie coal combustion with Digital Combusting Tuning, cofiring for PLTU plants where the primary energy of coal can be reduced by co-combustion of bio-mass, and from year to year, we have been trying to suppress the energy mix from fuel oil, one of which is by making efforts to de-dieselize diesel generators into NRE plants.
We manage all risks effectively and efficiently to ensure sustainable business growth through proactive risk management. We focus on the most important risks and carrying them out in a coordinated and integrated manner.
Before starting an activity, PLN must first determine whether the activity has an environmental impact or not, as well as formulate an effort to manage its impact. This is manifested in environmental documents, including SPPL (Environmental Management Statement), UKL-UPL (Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts), and AMDAL (Environmental Impact Assessment).
To anticipate the risk of emergency events from environmental management activities, PLN has the emergency response procedures. These procedures are prepared at the planning stage before an activity is conducted by reason of the requirements for environmental approvals and business permits including the approval of technical permits for wastewater disposal, water use, emission disposal, solid waste and B3 management, as well as impact analysis permits. Environmental traffic is planned and implemented as an integral part of the environmental document. Each environmental document has a specific environmental emergency response to each activity. The Integrated Procedure on Emergency Preparedness and Response (PTHSSE-13) has been created as part of the manual procedure for the DIVK3L Integrated Management System.
PLN upholds the principle of sustainability in each of its operations and its seriousness and commitment are recognized by achievements and awards given to the company. In May 2021, PLN won four awards in Corporate Emissions Awards organized by Beritasatu Media Holdings and Bumi Global Karbon:
- Category of Corporate Emission Reduction in the ‘Green’ non-Banking BUMN Sector by PLN,
- Transparency Category ‘Silver’ non-banking BUMN sector corporate emission calculation by PLN,
- ‘Green’ category of emission reduction for non-issuers and non-SOE sector corporations by PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali
- The category of transparency in the calculation of corporate emissions in the non-issuer and non-SOE sector ‘Silver’ by PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali
In September 2022, PLN won awards in the Environmental and Social Innovation Award (ENSIA) event organized by PT Sucofindo, specifically for the PLN Tanjung Jati B Generation Main Unit. This award covers several criteria including the criteria for Water Efficiency and Biodiversity, B3 management criteria and non-B3 waste management. PLN received 4 awards, namely 2 platinum each in the Water Efficiency and Biodiversity criteria, 1 gold in the B3 criteria, and 1 silver in the non-B3 criteria.
To conclude, at the national level, PLN has received the latest award in the environmental sector through the 2022 Gold Company Performance Assessment Program (Proper) award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). PLN dominates where the Managing Director of PLN is chosen as the Main Green Leadership CEO by bringing 15 Gold PROPER in 2022.
Indonesia’s large population makes electricity consumption increase, so the construction of power plants is inevitable. As a state-owned electricity company, PLN Group strives to provide the best service for the community by providing cheap, affordable and reliable electricity that will drive the country’s economy. In addition to providing a reliable electricity supply, PLN and its subsidiaries are also committed to continuing to preserve the environment, especially in areas close to power plants.
However, the release of carbon emissions also increases in line with the increasing of energy consumption. In order to increase energy consumption without increasing carbon emissions, PLN seeks to encourage the construction of environmentally friendly power plants. The right strategy is needed, so that existing power plants that use fossil fuels can still operate with an environmentally friendly approach, while efforts to transform to new and renewable energy can continue.
Environmental Management System
PLN’s commitment to carry out environmentally friendly business activities is also reflected in the achievement of 8 Gold PROPER. PROPER is the Public Disclosure Program for Environmental Compliance which is defined as the Corporate Performance Rating Assessment Program in Environmental Management. PLN has successfully carried out efforts to control pollution and environmental damage and implemented clean production as well.
PLN uses FABA waste as an effort to minimize FABA accumulation. Several steps that have been taken by PLN to minimize FABA stockpiles in 2021 are as follows:
- Providing direction to units and subsidiaries in the form of DIR MSDM Letter No. 25867/KBL.01.08/ C01060000/2021 on the Massive Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA);
- Providing direction to units and Subsidiaries in the form of EVP K3L Letter No. 8700/KLH.00.01/C01060500/2021 on Directions for Fly Ash and Bottom Ash Management Activities related to the Implementation of Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021;
- Including FABA management criteria in performance appraisal for parent units and Subsidiaries;
- Providing direction to units and Subsidiaries to prepare FABA Management Roadmap;
- Monitoring FABA waste management monthly;
- Developing FABA management procedures (use of internal and external, storage of internal and external transportation, stockpiling, emergency response, documentation and reporting);
- Reviewing the potential use of FABA with the aim of promoting a circular economy.
- Supporting the proposed FABA management budget in the unit’s RKAP in accordance with the FABA Management Roadmap.
PLN uses several energies, both renewable and non-renewable energy. Non-renewable energy includes coal, fuel, natural gas, and others, while the use of renewable energy includes biomass energy used in power plant operational activities. To reduce the use of non-renewable energy, the Company strives to make various initiatives including the integration of new and renewable energy.The Company uses calculation method based on the Energy Analysis Model (EAM) which applies net energy analysis model which use physical units to calculate the energy input and output with caloric heat units which are then converted to GJ.
In 2022, PLN has implemented co-firing technology in 36 PLTU locations out of a target of 35 locations. PLN’s co-firing program was able to produce 575.4 GWh of clean energy and succeeded in reducing carbon emissions by 570 thousand tons of CO2 by utilizing 542 thousand tons of biomass. This implementation of co-firing is affecting the carbon emissions and greenhouse gases reduction. Not only utilizing its biomass, to ensure the continuity of supply, PLN has built a biomass supply chain. The biomass supply chain starts from the planning, development, management of the biomass plant to the commercialization of the PLTU PLN. There are five types of biomasses currently used; sawdust, wood chips, palm shells, corn cobs, and solid waste fuel.
The co-firing program itself has been successfully carried out by collaborating on the utilization of waste with 12 regional governments throughout Indonesia and 6 projects of Solid Jumputan Fuel (BBJP) which have also been launched and operated in 2022.
To give feasible access to environmental performance in PLN, in 2021 PLN has developed the DATALING application. This application is used to monitor the implementation of Environmental Performance in all units and subsidiaries of PLN. With this application, PLN can easily monitor environmental management and monitoring starting from ownership of environmental documents and permits or technical approvals as well as B3 and non-B3 waste management, emission management, and wastewater management resulting from activities and electricity activities in the Company.