PLN is committed to making electricity as a medium to improve the quality life of the public, making every effort for electricity as an economic booster, and operating an environmentally friendly business. In order to achieve the effort, PLN is determined to align the development of the three aspects in providing electricity, which are economic, social, and environmental, through the implementation of the corporate responsibilities in social and community development.
In order to support the implementation of corporate responsibility activities in social and community development, PLN carries out sustainable community development programs in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including:
- Law No. 40 of 2007 about Limited Liability Company
- Government Regulation No. 47 of 2012 on Social and Environmental Responsibility of Limited Liability Companies
- Government Regulation No. 59 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
- Minister of SOEs Regulation No. PER-05/MBU/04/2021 concerning Social and Environmental Responsibility Programs for State-Owned Enterprises
- Board of Directors Regulation No. 0135.P/DIR/2019, August 28, 2019, regarding the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for the Implementation of the PTPLN (Persero) Partnership and Community Development Program
- Board of Directors Regulation No. 0138.P/ DIR/2019, August 29, 2019, regarding CSR Guidelines based on ISO 26000 at PTPLN (Persero)
- Decision of the Board of Directors No. 0217.K/DIR/2021, dated May 27, 2021, regarding the Establishment of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Sustainability Committee (Corporate Social Responsibility Based on ISO 26000)
- Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) Number: 0006.Pt/CSR.00.01/C01060600/2021, regarding the Community Involvement and Development (CID) Program of PT PLN (Persero).
This commitment is manifested in the environmental and responsibility program (TJSL) whose program is adapted to the needs of the surrounding community. The Company’s CSR program is evaluated regularly every year to determine the level of effectiveness of the program’s success.
As a form of appreciation from other parties, PLN won 19 Awards at ISDA 2022 event. ISDA 2022 is an award event presented to companies that save energy, carry out environmental conservation and social activities in the community, as well as various positive things as a contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) or Sustainable Development Goals. PLN was appreciated because of its concern to keep the success of sustainable development. PLN contributes well to society and the environment to provide a better future for future generations.
In March 2022, the community involvement and development program category, PLN together with its subsidiary PLN Indonesia Power also won 18 awards at the Top CSR Awards 2022 event. Another prestigious award won by PLN was Top Leader on CSR Commitment 2022 to the Main Director of PLN.
The social and community development programs of PLN mainly include CSR (P3L) programs, social empowerment/mentoring programs, and Community Development programs. A sound community engagement policy guideline for identification, engagement and participation of local community as stakeholders will bring effective results throughout the project planning and implementation. The scope of implementation of corporate responsibility in social and community development in PLN includes the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program and Micro and Small Enterprises (UMK) Funding Program.
PLN has set the target of:
- Adopting community engagement guidelines across all business units by targeting 100% of relevant offices to be applying corporate community engagement guidelines by 2025.
The Company runs community involvement and development programs designed to provide benefits or added value for communities affected by PLN’s electricity infrastructure development and operational activities. In addition, through the implementation of programs, the Company also strives to meet the needs of the Company’s main stakeholders and communities who can help smoothen the business processes.
The Company implements community involvement and development programs Program by applying the following principles:
- Integrated, which is based on risk analysis and business processes that are related to stakeholders.
- Directional, which has a clear direction to achieve company goals.
- Measurable impact, namely having a contribution and providing benefits that result in change or added value for stakeholders and the company, and
- Accountability, which can be accounted for to keep away from potential abuse and irregularities.
The community involvement and development program that has been carried out by the Company is expected to be able to provide broad benefits and impacts to the surrounding community. PLN has Rp 235 billion or 69% from budget work plan (RKA) 2022 for 1915 programs spread across 34 provinces by the number of beneficiaries of 264.261 people.
The community involvement and development programs have realized in the 4 Pillars as stated below:
- Social Pillars
- Economic Pillars
- Environmental Pillars
- Law and Governance Pillars
By October 2022. PLN has performed several excellent programs as follows:
- Excellent Program of Education
- Beasiswa Bercahaya (PLN Ambassador)
- Smart Internet
- Digital Edu Library of PLN
- PLN Cares for the Education
- Excellent Program of Environmental Area
- Clean Water Assistance (MCK)
- Preservation of Flora and Fauna
- Processing Waste into Energy-Waste to Energy (Co Firing)
- PLN Cares for the Environment
- Excellent Program of UMK Development
- UMK Development Through BUMN Houses (BUMN House Management)
- UMK Development through empowering villages/tourism areas
- Development of UMK through empowering vulnerable people (disabilities, indigenous communities, economically disadvantaged)
- PLN Cares for UMK Development
- Program of CSV (Creating Shared Value)
- Electrifying Agriculture
- Electrifying Marine
- Free Electric Connection
- Electrifying Education (Electric Car)
- Electric Cart Aid (GELIS) for UMKM
- Electrifying Lifestyle