PLN builds a culture of sustainability. Efforts are made in various ways with the main objective of further strengthening the company’s culture and core values. PLN has the code of business conduct (CoC) and anti-bribery and corruption policy as the corporation commitment in applying professional ethics for a sustainable business. PLN commits to keeping the employees safe, helping the business and interactions between companies remain honest and fair, and supporting better goods and services. All officers, employees, and all the workforce to the highest standards of business and ethical conduct must follow and abide by this rule.
To act professionally and to uphold integrity in the work environment, PLN guides its personnel using the CoC. The Code of Conduct was issued in 2005 and regulates aspects of leadership, responsible membership, professional relationship, and relationship with external parties. The Code of Conduct is also a means to create harmonious, synergic, and mutually beneficial relationships among all the stakeholders.
The Code of Conduct is issued in the form of a compact pocketbook. Through various forms of dissemination and internalization, PLN encourages the compliance commitment of all PLN personnel to ethical standards and requires all leaders to ensure that the Code of Conduct is observed and implemented properly by their personnel. In 2010, the Code of Conduct was updated through Decree of the Board of Directors No. 548A/K/DIR/2010 to adjust to GCG Guidelines and increasingly complex business practices
In addition, PLN always refers to the business core values, AKHLAK, as the foundation in interacting with all parties and driving the inspiration and reference for every Company personnel’s mindset. AKHLAK has been set as the Company’s value formulation on September 28, 2020, based on Decree of President Director No. 0073.P/DIR/2020. AKHLAK (Trustworthy, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, Collaborative) is part of the implementation of the PLN transformation program, in accordance with the Director of Culture Regulation No. 0073.P/DIR/2020 regarding Corporate Culture. This cultural dissemination was carried out to all stakeholders, especially the employees within the PLN Group.
PLN has a culture reinforcement framework which consists of 3 pillars, namely:
- Leader’s Behavior namely; strengthening culture through the involvement of leaders in encouraging the PLN 123 National Culture Program and Leader Symbolic Actions, both collectively and individually.
- Organization and System Strengthening namely; strengthening culture through improvement of business structures and processes, as well as integration of the HC system based on AKHLAK.
- Symbols, namely; strengthening cultural symbols through a pleasant work environment, open communication, a more modern appearance, and so on.
BERSIH (CLEAN) behavior at PLN continues to grow and be improved. This momentum began with the declaration of clean PLN, No Bribery in December 2012, the issuance of PT PLN (Persero) Directors Regulation Number 0060.K/DIR/2014 concerning Clean PLN Guidelines, then officially phased anti-corruption education activities for PLN personnel, LHKPN Reporting, Gratification Control, Whistleblowing System Management, and implementation of anti-bribery governance as stipulated in PT PLN (Persero) Directors Regulation No. 0048.P/DIR/2020. In addition, the most important thing is the commitment of the Board of Commissioners and the Main Director of PT PLN (Persero) in preventing corruption in the organizational environment, by acting as a Role Model, being an example/role model while inviting all employees to apply the 4 No’s principle, collaborate and build a transformation with the hope that there will be no more room for corruption in PLN.
PLN as a state-owned company with the largest assets currently reaches Rp. 1,613 trillion (source: company profile 2021) needs to ensure that all existing business processes are integrated and restricted from SUAP behavior and support PLN-123 Culture Activation, namely PLN-1 in the form of building awareness, GCG/Risk & Compliance Culture, by holding adhere to the principle of “4 No’s.”
As a manifestation of SMAP implementation at PLN and as an effort to improve system improvement for business process integrity, among others: digital transformation has been carried out by using e-procurement applications in the procurement of goods and services; New PLN Mobile in Customer Service transparency; Centralized Payment in the ease and transparency of job payments.
SMAP is implemented by PLN in accordance with SNI ISO 37001:2016. SMAP implementation includes clauses regarding bribery risk assessment, SMAP integrity commitment & pact, SMAP capacity building, financial and non-financial control, gratuity control unit and Whistleblowing System.
Company’s integrity is recognized through the KPK awards in complying LHKPN reporting at PLN in 2020, which is not only at the Board of Director (BOD) level, but up to the BOD-4 level or the level of service unit managers as well as procurement planners and implementers at PLN Central, Main Unit, Sub Holding and PLN’s Subsidiaries, so that PLN gets the nomination as the largest and most complete LHKPN reporting BUMN.
In carrying out excellent work, every PLN personnel must uphold a commitment to always have integrity in running a business free of all forms of fraud and corruption by complying with the following provisions:
- All PLN personnel are prohibited from offering or giving bribes and gratuities in any form.
- All PLN personnel are prohibited from directly or indirectly requesting or receiving gratuities from stakeholders, partners and/or third parties for their positions, contrary to their obligations or duties..
- All PLN personnel are required to participate in corruption prevention programs within the Company.
- All PLN personnel are required to reject courteously any gratuity that is not in accordance with the provisions of the gratuity guidelines
- A5. All PLN personnel must report to Gratuity Control Unit on any receipt, request, and/or rejection of gratuity.
To strengthen the system for preventing corruption and bribery at PLN which can risk the Company’s reputation as well as the quality and reliability of electricity power product for customers, since 2019 PLN has made various preparations to take part in ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) certification, starting from gap analysis, capacity building (training, workshops), dissemination, preparation and development of policies, procedures and manuals for anti-bribery management system, as well as system effectiveness test.
After passing the certification process, including verification of the conformity of SMAP implementation at PLN with international standards, PLN Group succeeded in obtaining ISO 37001:2016 SMAP Certificate. ISO 37001:2016 is an international anti-bribery management system (SMAP) standard designed to help organizations establish, implement, maintain and improve an anti-bribery compliance program.
points, especially on cybersecurity points.
Bribery and Corruption Policy
Implementation of anti-bribery governance in Company is as stipulated in PT PLN (Persero) Directors Regulation No. 0048.P/DIR/2020 as a policy in implementing the Anti-Bribery Management System at PT PLN (Persero). Set of policies, to anticipate irresponsible actions and practices, are prepared, such as GRC Implementation, Anti-Fraud Policy and Conflict of Interest Management. The nodes of fraud are continuously traced so that preventive measures can be taken earlier is applying the fraud risk assessment.
Regarding the drafting of regulations, things that might be detrimental to the company have also been anticipated through the Corruption Impact Assessment (CIA). PLN also implements Integrity Due Diligence (IDD) to supervise the process of procuring goods/services. IDD has been carried out on Partners/prospective Partners to further assess the nature and level of Bribery Risk.
Management of reports and complaints from stakeholders and internal PLN regarding all forms of fraud and violations are committed by PLN personnel through the PLN Whistleblowing channel, as well as enforcement and imposition of sanctions according to company regulations for integrity violators.
Whistleblowing System (WBS) as a forum for reporting all forms of fraud and violation of stakeholders and internal PLN, in accordance with the mechanism set out in Directors Regulation Number: 0010.P/DIR/2022 concerning the Whistleblowing System ) within PT PLN (Persero). PLN guarantees confidentiality and provides protection to whistleblowers in good faith, for internal employees and external parties who submit complaints in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.
The Company’s commitment to doing business honestly and ethically, and not tolerating bribery and corruption is manifested in the “PLN Clean-No Bribery!” which was launched in 2012. This movement then underlies the sustainable anti-corruption movement within the Company. In 2021, continuing the initiatives that were launched the previous year, namely the implementation of the SNI ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP). In 2021, SMAP was successfully implemented in all PLN Headquarters Divisions and PLN Units. Thus, 100% of employees including Sustainability Committee and business partners have received socialization of anti-corruption and anti-bribery movement, as well as the implementation of SMAP SNI ISO 37001:2016.
PLN collaborates with other parties in disseminating the anti-corruption movement. In May 2022, PLN in collaboration with The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held Anti-Corruption Technical Guidance at the Auditorium of the PLN Head Office. This activity aims to provide an understanding of efforts to prevent corruption in the business actor sector.
On the other hands, PLN Pusertif is Internationally Recognized as an Anti-Bribery Management Certification Institution that is ready to provide SNI ISO 3700:2016 (SMAP) anti-bribery management system certification services to all units and subsidiaries within the PLN group. The ISO 37001:2016 (SMAP) is an instrument designed for organizations in developing, implementing and improving anti-bribery programs. This is expected to assist companies in ensuring the level of quality of corporate services and provide guidance to assist corporations in identifying, preventing and detecting bribery.
PLN also implements a whistleblowing system as the most effective method to prevent and eradicate corruption, bribery and other fraudulent practices, which are contrary to GCG principles. Since December 20, 2012, the Company has implemented a whistleblowing system in all PLN lines of business through the issuance of Circular Letter of Board of Directors No. 21.E/Dir/2012 concerning Whistleblowing System. The Circular Letter of Board of Directors stipulates the reporting mechanism, whistleblower protection, and follow-up. The Whistleblowing System Manual was updated in 2016 through Circular Letter of Board of Directors No. 008.E/DIR/2016 dated September 30, 2016.